Cannabis Product Development & Design Certificate

Available through university partners

Embark on a journey to master the creation of a diverse array of cannabis products, including gummies, chocolates, oils, tinctures, and more. You’ll delve deep into the science of cannabis extraction, how to craft exceptional products that cater to a variety of preferences and needs, and strategies for building a compelling cannabis brand. Elevate your expertise and position yourself at the forefront of cannabis product innovation.

Program Details


24 weeks




24 weeks



Course Description

Cannabis Product Development & Design program has been meticulously crafted to guide you through the intricate and amazing world of cannabis product development.

This all-encompassing program begins with the foundational principles of cannabis science, covering the essentials of industry terminology, decarboxylation, and various extraction techniques ranging from solventless methods to supercritical fluid extractions.

As you progress, dive deeper into the art of product creation, mastering the formulation of a diverse array of cannabis products including tinctures, topicals, chocolates, gummies, and more. Gain cutting-edge insights into nanoemulsion technology, and understand the critical aspects of product safety, packaging, and labeling.

Focusing on branding and package design, this program enables you to develop materials that adhere to regulatory standards while also standing out in the market through their creative flair.

Throughout your journey, interactive exercises, discussion forums, and hands-on projects will enrich your learning experience, equipping you with the skills and knowledge to excel in the ever-evolving cannabis industry today.

Topics Covered

Beginning with Cannabis 101, the program will provide you with a comprehensive overview of cannabis product development & design.

Dive deep into the science of cannabis extraction, learn how to craft exceptional products, and develop strategies to build a cannabis brand that sells.

What You'll Learn

  • Cannabis Tinctures
  • Cannabis Topicals
  • Cannabis-Infused Chocolate
  • Cannabis-Infused Gummies
  • Cannabis Nanoemulsions
  • Rules and Regulations of Packaging and Labeling
  • Cannabis Product Design of Packaging and Labeling
  • Cannabis Input Nomenclature and Decarboxylation
  • Cannabis Processing and Manufacturing
  • The Importance of Pheno-Hunting
  • An Overview of Cannabis Extracts
  • Ice Water Hash and Solventless Solutions
  • Principles and Practice of Alcohol Dominant Extraction
  • Extraction with Sub and Supercritical Fluids

Learning Outcomes

Upon completion of this certificate, you’ll be able to: 

  • Foundational Understanding of Cannabis Science: Students will gain a comprehensive understanding of cannabis science, including industry terminology, decarboxylation, and various extraction techniques such as solventless methods and supercritical fluid extractions.
  • Mastery of Product Creation: Participants will learn the art of formulating a diverse range of cannabis products, including tinctures, topicals, chocolates, gummies, and more. They will delve into advanced concepts such as nanoemulsion technology to enhance product effectiveness.
  • Emphasis on Product Safety and Compliance: The program covers critical aspects of product safety, packaging, and labeling, ensuring students understand regulatory standards and compliance requirements to guarantee consumer safety and legal adherence.
  • Branding and Package Design Expertise: Students will develop skills in branding and package design tailored to the cannabis industry, learning to create materials that meet regulatory standards.

Included Course Modules

An in-depth introduction to cannabis, across history, culture and industry. Topics range from botany to business practices, including Cannabis Law and Policy, FDA regulation, and the many challenges that successful cannabis business face.



We recommend registering prior to the start date of the course. However, participants may register until Friday morning, after the start date. To register past that date, please contact us to see if we can accommodate your request. 

The cannabis certificates are non-credit, so they are not eligible for federal aid at this time. 

Students should expect to dedicate around 6-8 hours per week to complete coursework in this program.

Students who successfully complete the program will receive a certificate of completion from the university they choose. 



  • Cannabis Infused Product Chef
  • Solventless Extraction Specialist
  • Cannabis Packaging and Labeling Professional



Complete your purchase in a few easy steps and get started ASAP!



Start Dates


  • May 6, 2024
  • July 1, 2024
  • September 9, 2024
  • November 4, 2024

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Choose your preferred university and register today.